Between The Fences
Before Guantanamo, there was a Port Isabel Service Processing Center

To The Editor

The news today is filled with stories about people trying to fight the government. Many do so illegally, such as the Freemen of "justus" County, Montana. The writer of this book did not use illegal actions like so many militant groups trying to bring attention to their causes.

By following the chain of command as required by the U.S. government, complaints of abuses were totally ignored by the powers that be. Investigations were curtailed by those in charge. Witnesses were threatened or ignored.

In a two-book format, you'll learn how government-paid employees at an Immigration and Naturalization Detention Camp continued to deal in drugs, child molestation, and physical and sexual abuse of detainees and guards. Women were impregnated and sent back to their countries of origin. Some died behind the tall INS fences.

The abuse of illegal immigrants in this country is not new, but ironically, is constantly in today's news.  This book, however, is the first of its kind to tell what really goes on behind the fences of a detention camp.  Inserted into the pages of this book are eleven letters from Texas Senator Phil Gramm, U.S. Immigration Commissioner Doris Meissner, Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and Texas former Governor Ann Richards. Newspaper articles, video-tapes, and pictures chronicle the events.

After reading this book, people should better understand why there are those who no longer trust the government.

The abuses in this system are horrifying. The only people who tried to do something about it lost their jobs. The others are still in charge.



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